I recently invested in a garden Sauna. As an aside it arrived just days before a heatwave that made it cooler to sit in the sauna than sit in the garden!
Back to the point of this blog. I found myself reflecting on how relaxed I felt and pondering how the Scandinavian Countries have wellbeing nailed. A day or two later I decided to find out which country in the world is considered to be ‘the Happiest’.
Bingo, according to the 2020 World Happiness report Finland is home to the happiest people on the planet.
Whilst I was travelling through the inevitable internet search vortex that opened up after my initial enquiry, I found myself reading an interview with a Happy Finn describing 5 key components of staying happy.
I read on, eager to find out what I could do to become as ‘Happy as a Finn’. What I read both delighted and horrified me.
On the delight side were the following:

So now we turn to the horrifying part of Finland’s Happy Hordes:

Feel free to carry out your own research – I will try to stay open minded enough to be persuaded on the whole ‘Freeze and be Happy’ mantra.
And, if you’ve any top tips to add to Finland’s Fab Five Fun Frolics let’s hear them.