It’s Sunday. It’s 6 PM.
If just reading those two sentences has your mood dropping and your anxiety levels rising then you know where this is going.
You’ve lived your weekend to the full and now you have to ‘get through’ the week ahead before you can do it all again.
You might well be thinking about all the things that are wrong with your job. You might be thinking about all the reasons why you don’t want to go in to work (assuming of course that GOING IN to work is still a thing!).
The stronger and deeper those thoughts and feelings the bigger the level of underachievement you are presiding over.
The Sunday Blues aren’t heralding in the boredom of another week at work …. they are a sign that you have buckets of potential waiting to be unleashed. Welcome those Sunday Blues, use them as the catalyst to make change.
You owe it to yourself to love your weekdays as much (or let’s be realistic – almost as much) as your weekends. Make your passion your job. Find a job that’s your passion. Either way, watch your potential become realised and your Sunday Blues diminish.